Welcome to our Church
Welcome to the website for Almondbury Methodist Church. We are part of the Huddersfield Methodist Circuit and West Yorkshire Methodist District.
We participate in the life of the church not just for the special milestones in our lives, but to live a fuller life. We bring ourselves to God to seek help in overcoming worries and fears, for forgiveness of past regrets and mistakes, to say thank you for what we have around us and to celebrate what is and what can be. We live in faith, hope and love.
Each of us has a different journey through life, with different and unique perspectives and experiences. We each have different thoughts and questions about ourselves and the world, about life and faith. These differences and uniqueness should be celebrated and the questions explored.
From whatever walk of life, you will be made welcome at Almondbury Methodist Church. We hope to meet you soon.
Following guidance from the Government and The Methodist Church
In Britain, we are happy to be meeting in our premises again for
church services and our regular weekly activities. We will be
continuing to provide access to our Sunday morning services on
Zoom for people who would prefer to stay at home. Please see this
week's diary for further details.
We understand the covid pandemic has been a difficult time for
many around the world and brought much disruption to our current
way of life. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone, to those
who have suffered from the consequences of the coronavirus and
to those who are still affected today.
For further information about Covid-19 see https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
Check This Week's Diary
for further details
Wild Church
Mollicar Woods Sing
Almondbury 200th Anniversary Celebrations
The Wesley Centre Friendly Club
Open House
Almondbury TOTS